Course curriculum

  • 1

    Managing Security Roles in Power Apps

    • Welcome! Let's get started

  • 2

    Webinar Lessons

    • Introduction

    • Understand Security Layers

    • Implement Security Roles and Privileges

    • Design a Security Model

    • Apply Security in Real World Scenarios

    • Summary

  • 3


    • You did it!

Professional Development Units

As a PMI® Authorized Training Partner, we provide PDUs for all Academy Courses

This course is eligible for 0.25 Ways of Working PDUs.



Chamseddoha Arhad

Meet Chams, an enthusiastic app developer who thrives on the relentless pursuit of growth and innovation. With a profound dislike for stagnation, Chams has cultivated a dynamic relationship with the ever-evolving world of technology, always on a first-name basis with the latest trends and advancements.

Chams is a firm believer in the power of continual learning and applies this philosophy not only in her professional endeavors but also in her academic pursuits. Join her on a captivating journey through the intricate realms of app development, where creativity, technical expertise, and an aversion to complacency converge.

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Hewlett Packard
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